
The Project Putting knowledge in context towards the improvement of students achievement, funded by Foundation for Science and Technology is developed by Center for Investigation and Intervention in Education of the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of University of Porto, in collaboration with Institute of Education of University of Lisbon, the University of Aveiro and the University of Minho. Project started January, 10th, of 2011 and lasts for 24 months.

Curricular contextualization has gradually assumed a main issue in discussions about teaching and learning. It is assumed to be an essential prerequisite in addressing the content of school subjects and teaching methods organization. In fact, it allows a connection between subjects’ content and students’ reality. Therefore, it helps students to relate theory and practice, providing meaning to school knowledge.

Giving that, we believe it is crucial to develop a deep study of this theme, aiming to clarify the place of curricular contextualization in educational policies, as well as understand how those policies are interpreted and materialized in curriculum practices.