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Presentation of the BO(U)NDS project at the event organized by the Interdisciplinary Centre for Gender Studies (CIEG) for the presentation of master and doctoral programs in gender studies.

October 29, 2021. Lisbon, Portugal


Oral presentation:
Content and form: a systematization of gender-based violence prevention programs in the school context (in Portuguese)

Jornadas Crime, Espaços e Comunidade - February 20, 2020. Porto, Portugal


Oral presentation:
Project BOUNDS - Mapping the prevention programmes in schools

Interpersonal Violence Interventions - Social and Cultural Perspectives - 3rd International Conference. June 16, 2020. Online, Finland


Oral presentation:
Violence prevention programs in Portuguese schools: first results of a mapping work (in Portuguese)

XV Congress of the Portuguese Society of Educational Sciences - September 12, 2020. Online, Portugal


Oral presentation:
Brief historical journey: Education, Citizenship and prevention of gender violence in Portugal (in Portuguese)

Seminário Internacional Gêneros e Interdisciplinaridades: a práxis da interseccionalidade na contemporaneidade – September 28, 2020. Online, Brazil


Oral presentation:
Gender-based Violence Primary Prevention Programmes: Preliminary results in the Portuguese context

Center for the Study of Women & Gender - Seminar Series 2020/2021 – October 28, 2020. Online, United Kingdom


Oral presentation:
Qualitative Research on Preventing Gender-Based Violence

5th World Conference on Qualitative Research – January 22, 2021. Online, Portugal


FPCEUP english version