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The stimulation, introduction and edition of publications on many topics related to the scientific study of writing is among the most important acitivities of the SIG Writing group. These include the prepublication and archive site, a collection of the proceedings from successful SIG Writing conferences, the acclaimed “Studies in Writing“ book series, and the recent on-line journal "Journal of Writing Research".  

Send us your most recent publications in APA format (2013 onwards):

Recent SIG Writing members’ publications:

Alves, R. A., & Limpo, T. (2015). Progress in written language bursts, pauses, transcription, and written composition across schooling. Scientific Studies of Reading, 19, 374-391. doi: 10.1080/10888438.2015.1059838

Arfé, B., Dockrell, J., & Berninger. V.W. (2014). Writing development in children with hearing loss, dyslexia or oral language problems: Implications for assessment and instruction. NY: Oxford University Press.

Arfé, B., Rossi, C., Sicoli, S. (2015). The contribution of verbal working memory to deaf children's oral and written production. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 1-12. First published online: doi: 10.1093/deafed/env005

Baaijen, V.M., Galbraith, D., & de Glopper, K. (2014). Effects of writing beliefs and planning on writing performance. Learning and Instruction, 33, 81-91. doi: 10.1016/j.learninstruc.2014.04.001

Bourke, L., Davies, S. J., Sumner, E., & Green, C. (2013). Individual differences in the development of early writing skills: Testing the unique contribution of visuo-spatial working memory. Reading & Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 27, 315-335. doi: 10.1007/s11145-013-9446-3

Carretti, B., Re, A. M., & Arfè, B. (2013). Reading comprehension and expressive writing: A comparison between good and poor comprehenders. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 46, 87-96. doi: 10.1177/0022219411417876

Grabowski, J., Becker-Mrotzek, M., Knopp, M., Jost, J. & Weinzierl, C. (2014). Comparing and combining different approaches to the assessment of text quality. In D. Knorr, C. Heine & J. Engberg (Eds.), Methods in writing process research (pp. 147-165). Frankfurt/M.: Lang.

Dockrell, J. E., & Connelly, V. (2013). The role of oral language in underpinning the text generation difficulties in children with specific language impairment. Journal of Research in Reading, 38, 18-34. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9817.2012.01550.x

Dymoke, S., Lambirth, A., & Wilson, A. (Eds.). (2013). Making poetry matter: International research on poetry pedagogy. London: Bloomsbury Academic. Graham, S., MacArthur, C. A., & Fitzgerald, J. (Eds.). (2013). Best practices in writing instruction (2nd ed.). New York: Guilford.

Lahav, O., Maeir, A., & Weintraub, N. (2014). Gender differences in students' self-awareness of their handwriting performance. The British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 77(12), 614-618

Leijten, M., & Van Waes, L. (2013). Keystroke logging in writing research: Using Inputlog to analyze and visualize writing processes. Written Communication, 30, 358–392. doi: 10.1177/0741088313491692

Limpo, T., & Alves, R. A. (2014). Implicit theories of writing and their impact on students' response to a SRSD intervention. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 84, 571-590. doi: 10.1111/bjep.12042

Limpo, T., & Alves, R. A. (2013). Modeling writing development: Contribution of transcription and self-regulation to Portuguese students' text generation quality. Journal of Educational Psychology, 105, 401-413. doi:10.1037/a0031391

Limpo, T., & Alves, R. A. (2013). Teaching planning or sentence-combining strategies: Effective SRSD interventions at different levels of written composition. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 38, 328-341. doi: 10.1016/j.cedpsych.2013.07.004

Limpo, T., Alves, R. A., & Fidalgo, R. (2014). Children’s high-level writing skills: Development of planning and revising and their contribution to writing quality. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 84, 177-193. doi:10.1111/bjep.12020

MacArthur, C. A., & Philippakos, Z. A. (2013). Self-regulated strategy instruction in developmental writing: A design research project. Community College Review, 41, 176-195. doi: 10.1177/0091552113484580

MacArthur, C. A. (2014). Strategy instruction in writing in academic disciplines. In P. Klein, P. Boscolo, L. Kirkpatrick, & C. Gelati, (Eds.), Writing as a Learning Activity (pp. 149-168). Leiden: Brill.

MacArthur, C. A. (2013). Best practices in teaching evaluation and revision. In S. Graham, C. A. MacArthur, & J. Fitzgerald (Eds.), Best practices in writing instruction (2nd ed., pp. 215-237). New York: Guilford.

MacArthur, C. A. (2013). Technology applications for improving literacy: A review of research. In H. L. Swanson, K. Harris, & S. Graham (Eds.), Handbook of learning disabilities (2nd ed., pp. 565-590). New York: Guilford.

Marom, H. W., & Weintraub, N. (2015). The effect of a touch-typing program on keyboarding skills of higher education students with and without learning disabilities. Research in developmental disabilities, 47, 208-217.

Preiss, D. D. (2013). Writing and its assessment across the life-span. Learning and Individual Differences, 28, 131-132, doi: 10.1016/j.lindif.2013.07.001.

Sumner, E., Connelly, V., & Barnett, A. L. (2013). Children with dyslexia are slow writers because they pause more often and not because they are slow at handwriting execution. Reading & Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 26, 991-1008. doi:10.1007/s11145-012-9403-6

Wallot, S. & Grabowski, J. (2013). Typewriting dynamics. What distinguishes simple and complex writing tasks? Ecological Psychology, 25, 267-280. doi: 10.1080/10407413.2013.810512



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